Eudaimonia Behandeling van angst, depressie en burn-out, gebaseerd op inzichten uitde geneeskunde, de filosofieen andere disciplines “Philosophy is capable of sparking transformation by exposing people to many viewpoints and increasing their capacity to assess them rationally.” (The New Yorker, 23 December 2023) Hamburger Menu ☰ Home Aanpak Filosofie Testimonials Achtergrond Contact/Consultatie Eudaimonia dr. Piet Calcoen, MD, LLM, MPhil, PhD Behandeling van angst, depressie en burn-out, gebaseerd op inzichten uitde geneeskunde, de filosofieen andere disciplines. “Philosophy is capable of sparking transformation by exposing people to many viewpoints and increasing their capacity to assess them rationally.” (The New Yorker, 23 December 2023) Privacyverklaring Cookiebeleid Copyright © 2024 dr. Piet Calcoen